Former India batter Mohammad Kaif, speaking on Star Sports, lauded Reddy’s classy shot-making ability, especially against experienced bowlers like Yuzvendra Chahal.”Reaching there by using the shoulders and then smacking it straight for a six is not an easy task,” he remarked. “Inka naam sunenge aap, bhavishya mai bahut sunenge [You will hear his name; you will hear it a lot in the future].”
Irfan Pathan, former India all-rounder, echoing Kaif’s sentiments, highlighted Reddy’s potential as a future star in Indian cricket.
“Indian selectors will keep an eye on him completely… He could be used in India A matches… He doesn’t care what your reputation is,” Pathan emphasized, praising Reddy’s fearless approach to batting.
Pathan further commended Reddy’s composure under pressure, noting his ability to dominate top-quality bowlers like Chahal, Ravi Ashwin, Trent Boult, Sandeep Sharma and Avesh Khan.
“Everyone will notice,” Pathan predicted, as Reddy notched up his second fifty of the season with a blistering 76 not out off 42 balls.
Travis Head, SRH opener and witness to Reddy’s onslaught, hailed his teammate’s effortless knock.
“Nitish played out of his skin… It made it look really easy,” Head remarked, acknowledging Reddy’s pivotal role in the partnership that yielded 96 runs off just 47 balls.
The match saw Reddy and Head’s onslaught against Chahal, who conceded 62 runs in his four overs. Despite Head’s dismissal, Reddy remained unbeaten, guiding SRH past the 200-run mark for the fifth time in the season.
With crucial partnerships and consistent performances, 20-year-old Nitish Kumar Reddy’s star continues to rise in the cricketing world, promising exciting prospects for both Sunrisers Hyderabad and Indian cricket at large.